ACTEON® Micro Mirrors have been designed to enhance precision and visibility during endodontic procedures. The microscopic perfectly visible
Make the access to the apex easier
Appreciate the accurate vision of the pulp chamber
Save space in the oral cavity: handle instruments and micro mirrors comfortably
See the true image with Pure Reflect Technology
ACTEON® micro mirrors are all equipped with Pure Reflect® coating. Pure Reflect® technology ensures a superior vision for an optimal performance.
Reflection close to 100% of the reality
No distorsion of the image
Perfect vision of shades, authentic colours

Available in 4 different sizes

Compatible with: XL Style, Design and Bliss handles.

Threaded vs Smooth Stem

Threaded stem mirrors are designed to securely attach to dental instruments via a threaded connection. This provides a firmer grip, reducing the risk of the mirror detaching during procedures. They are ideal for situations where stability is crucial.

Smooth stem mirrors, on the other hand, are held in place by friction. They are easier to remove and replace but may not offer the same level of secure attachment as threaded mirrors. Smooth stems are typically preferred for procedures requiring
quick mirror changes or where a lighter touch is needed.
Phone: 07 3139 1549

Email: sales@leadingdental.com.au